ARCH655 Project 1
Professor: Wei Yan
Student: Yuchao Liu
0. Introduction:
The tower has been designed as a soft vertical spiral rotating at about 120 degrees and scaling at 55% rate exponentially. The building will comprise 120 floors plus four additional floors of equipment rooms and Tuned Mass Damper.
The top of the structure is at 632 meters (2,074 feet) height.The building is divided into nine zones with five main functions: office; boutique office; luxury boutique hotel; themed retail, entertainment and cultural venues at the podium; and the observation experience at the tower’s pinnacle. Within each zone are atrium spaces that operate as activity centers and a gathering place for people within their “zone” community.
My personal design intend the adjustable ability of rotation and scaling factors. So that we can change rotation angle and scaling rate of the building.
Project Movie
1. Horizontal profile:
The profile shape is based on an equilateral triangle. Two tangential curves offset at 60 degrees were used to create a smooth shape. This shape is driven by two variables: the radius of the large circle and its location relative to the center of the equilateral triangle (profile). It should be noted that the actual shape of the profile is independent of the remaining two key geometric drivers. As a result, Gensler had the ability to look at the effect of modifying the horizontal profile and the impact such changes had on the tower form at all stages of the design.
Gensler Plan Forming
Project 1 Plan Forming
2. Vertical profile:
The concept of the form is to take the horizontal profile and extrude it vertically and conform to the vertical profile. From a functional point of view, it was important to maintain a wide footprint for the lower third of the tower, with a slender footprint at the upper third—a reduction of about 55% overall. This proportional distribution allowed for large lease spans within the office portion of the tower and smaller spans within the upper-level hotel/boutique offices. Early in the design, it was found that a basic exponential curve provided the desired result. This is the same basic formula used in the finance industry for continuous compounding and/or discounting. Adjusting the two values in the horizontal profile and this third value in the vertical profile, we now have complete control of vertical ratio, gross floor area and building form.
Gensler Scaling
Project 1 Scaling
3. Rate of twist:
This is a simple linear rotation from base to top. The fact that this final value can be changed independently allowed for great flexibility in the design stage, especially in selecting the best combined overall building performance.
Project 1 Rotation
4. Crown design:
The building top, is a crown like shape, which is controled by a parabola. In this project 1, I use kangaroo physical engine to form the parabola and then use the parabola to build the top part of the building.
Project 1 Physical Engine
Project 1 Physical Engine to Parabola
Project 1 building top crown
5. Analysis:
The whole building got three essential elements, one is the plan of the building, the other is the 3d rotation and scaling, and the last one is the top tower design. Which are individually controlled by points and circles; equations and series; the physical engine outcomes.
Project 1 Min radius Project 1 Mean
Project 1 Min radius Project 1 Mean
Cirvature and Zebra
Cirvature and Zebra 2(with graph on)
Cirvature and Zebra 3 & 4
6.Fianl Model:
There are two layers of control factors that composed the 3d geometric form; they are rotation and scaling. For the rotation coefficients, the control rate is 120°; and for the scaling factors, the control rate is 55%, from the bottom to the top.

Photo for building(1) & Project 1 Model(1)

Photo for building(1) & Project 1 Model(1)
Photo for building(2) & Project 1 Model(2)
Gh file
Project 02 Final
Project 02 Video
Level 1 (wind simulation):
The goal of the definition is to simulate the way how wind flows around the form of shanghai Tower. I will start by dividing the process into three parts; and use grasshopper plugs and script to simulate the result and display it in 2D or even 3D graph.
Level 2 (Automatic Form Adjustable Generating By Galapago):
I will try to set a series of parameters which were the outputs of Level 1, and use galapago to adjust the form of tower to achieve minimum wind resist loss. By calculating the minimum numbers of wind simulation result. Finally, automatically re-generate the form.
Part 1: Define an adjustable form of the tower, use grasshopper and python to regenerate the plan of the tower, set some parameters to control the shape of it. And insert those parameters into an adjustable script which re-generate the tower in both plan dimensions and geometry dimensions.
Part 2: In Part 1, we got several parameters from the grasshopper nodes and python. In this part, I will define wind in grasshopper by setting the direction of wind by inserting a series of points with vectors, use grasshopper nodes to generate wind in rhino. I will also try to link the rhino model with “Autodesk Ecotect” and find better solutions in ecotect analysis.
Part 3: In Part 1 and Part 2, we got serval parameters which could control the shape of tower by changing the plan, twisting angles and even the scaling factors. Use those parameters as “input parameters” which associated with Galapago genetic algorithm. Find the best wind resisting solution by minimizing the galapago node setting. So that galapago will modify the parameters in Part 1, which have the smallest wind resistance loss.
Approach A & B
Find the minim sum to both horizontal and vertical section.
Method A -Color Approach:
Compare initial Wind line color element with the changed wind direction line color element, find the smallest color difference.
Method B -Vector Approach:
Compare initial Wind line vector with the changed wind direction vector, find the smallest vector angle difference.
Level 1 Goal:
The step1-2 results reached level 1 goals, which modified the plan generation with python script.
Level 2 Goal:
The Final result reached level 2 goals, which generated the form according to galapago simulation